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Can We Talk?  I just need a moment. This one, short conversation could be a game changer for you and your family. Unfortunately, this brief conversation is rarely started and loved ones suffer. HCB2 sparks conversations that are just hard to start. So what does HCB2 want to talk about?

We want to talk about your potty time – yep, potty time is no longer private time here at HCB2! We want to unlock the silence that is allowing a deadly disease to thrive. It’s critical to de-shame topics such as elimination, poop, gas, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and blood in stool.  Additionally, we want loved ones to talk about their family history as opposed to avoiding the conversation. Moreover, we hear the words ‘colon, rectal, or anal cancer’ whispered softly ‘out of respect’ or to avoid shaming the patient or lost loved one. Enough!  HCB2 understands how the avoidance of this discussion leads to heartache, and how we unintentionally keep colorectal cancer alive and well with our silence.

HCB2 has created a one page form with six simple questions you can use to start the conversation with loved ones. Six easy questions which help to break through the silence.The questions may lead to laughter, may lead to more questions, or may lead to a more serious discussion. Whatever the tone of the conversation, the silence has been broken, new information has been learned, and ultimately, lives may be saved.

See attached link for the CanWeTalk.pages which can provide assistance in starting the conversation and it provides information about symptoms and screening options. After your conversation, share your experiences with us! We would love to hear from you. Email [email protected]. Start the conversation #cancerhatesthat