Colorectal Screening
Breaking down barriers to screening.
HCB2 funds screening programs across Virginia. We are on the CUSP.
Since 2014, HCB2 has provided colorectal cancer screening for the medically underserved population. Screening events such as Free Colonoscopy Day, FluFIT gatherings, Community Screening events, and the continual HCB2 Free Clinic Screening Program has provided over 6,500 underserved community members screening services. In 2022, HCB2 created a Colonoscopy Stipend for patients of our clinic partners that are not financially eligible for colonoscopy thanks to our partnership with Colon & Rectal Specialists. The above programs are a part of the CUSP Initiative – Colorectal Cancer Uninsured Screening Programs (CUSP). HCB2 is changing the direction of screening rates for our most vulnerable community members.
Check out HCB2 and the Health Brigade’s WRIC Interview discussing the success of the screening program. Below are the details about the programs under the CUSP initiative:
The 2024 Free Colonoscopy Day returned on Saturday, February 24th in partnership with Colon & Rectal Specialists and Access Now to help underserved patients receive proper screenings for colorectal cancer. The free colonoscopy service offered 14 procedures with 50% of the patients having polps removed. The service truly showcases the impact of collaboration. Partnerships with the medical community enhance community outreach initiatives and saves even more lives.
The FluFIT event has been on hold since the pandemic; however, the model remains an effective strategy to reach the underserved community. Recently, HCB2 has modified the model to aid other community screening events offered by our partners across the Commonwealth. Through funding, guidance on executing the screening event, providing navigational resources, and supporting follow up, HCB2 is still able to reach communities in need.
HCB2’s Free Clinic Colorectal Cancer Screening Program continues to expand. Our medical clinic partners effectively and efficiently offer screening to their age- and risk-eligible patients with the Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) testing tool. The completed FIT test is returned and tested onsite for immediate results. HCB2 selected to purchase Polymedco’s FIT in-home screening tool due to efficacy, affordability, and ease of screening for patients. The program is now implemented in 14 medical clinics across the state.
Medically underserved patients are provided access to timely screening which helps to break down some of the structural (e.g. lack of health insurance and transportation) and personal barriers (e.g. fear) to colorectal cancer early detection. Many patients also appreciate that the less invasive screening option can be conducted within the privacy of one’s home.
If you are a medical clinic serving the underserved community and would like to offer a FIT colorectal screening program, please contact us.
If you are a hospital system and would like additional support for your cancer prevention community outreach programs, please contact [email protected].
If you are a patient with limited income and in need of a medical home, please visit the Virginia Association of Free Clinics ( to find a clinic or the HRSA Data Warehouse (https:// to find your local community health center.
Patients in need of video instruction on how to collect a stool sample for Polymedco’s OC-Light FIT test, please click HERE for ENGLISH and click HERE for SPANISH. These 2-minute videos offer a simple instructions to effectively complete the in-home stool test.

Donors, partners, and grant funders such as the “Galloway Grant” along with HCB2’s special events help support this life saving service. HCB2 is currently working to partner with GI groups across the Commonwealth of Virginia to offer the colonoscopy procedure for those most at risk for colorectal cancer. If you are a GI group interested in learning more about these partnerships, please contact us.