We educate our partners.
HCB2 offers colon health and colorectal cancer presentations online or onsite

HCB2 has spoken to thousands through our presentations to businesses, organizations, medical groups, community and civic organizations, public schools, along with national, regional, and local conferences. HCB2 was honored to speak recently at the National Colorectal Cancer Round Table and the Southeastern Colorectal Cancer Consortium.
Our popular “Fight Right” presentation has been highly requested as HCB2 discusses colon health in practical terms and provides simple ways one can approach life which may support a healthy gut microbiome. Why is this important? Check out our Education page. What are the simple ways? Contact us!
HCB2’s “Can We Talk?” presentation is also applauded for its thorough yet easy to consume information about colorectal cancer, people at risk, screening options, and how to discuss GI symptoms with your medical provider as well as your own family.
Please contact us to learn more. There is no set fee for presentations; however, a donation to support our efforts to prevent and defeat colorectal cancer is greatly appreciated.